The stories

We Were Classic Tourists

Freestyle twins Sandy and Andy Collet do what they love, film it and make money.

The Roots

Twin brothers Sandy and Andy Collet were born in Paris, lived there for ten years and then came to Megève. “Living here was our mother’s dream. And moving here was the best decision she ever made – especially for us.”

The Evolution

Today, the two are 30 and earn their living with making outstanding freestyle skiing videos. “In Paris, rollerblading was all we did. Skiing was only something we tried in our winter holidays. We were classic tourists. Only after coming here we realised how much we love freeskiing.”

The Profession

“When we started out, the sport was still quite new. The whole scene was very young and open to newcomers like us. Today we can make a living with doing what we love the most. We’ve come a long way since that first time we were on skis.”

The Differences

While Sandy (“He’s more outgoing,” says Andy) can be seen skiing in the films....

...Andy (“The more quiet of the two of us,” says Sandy) prefers working in the background as the cameraman and producer. And they both agree: “We really do complement each other quite well.”

The Playground

While they rode mainly in snow parks in their beginnings, the Collet brothers today clearly prefer off-piste routes. “What we do is a combination of freeriding and freestyling. A snow park is perfect for beginners because you can really focus on yourself. That’s important for learning tricks, for developing your style and improving it. But once you get better, your standards and expectations also change.”

“The off-piste parts of the mountains are an incredible playground. You can just go out and play with all the facets of freestyling,” Sandy explains enthusiastically.

The Limits

“Snow parks are cool, but filming there is rather dull. But if you venture out into the terrain to film, there are no limits except those in your mind,” cameraman Andy raves.

Text: Matthias Köb //
Photos: Heiko Mandl //

March 15, 2017

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